

Via Moodle

You can install or download the latest version of Interactive Video Suite directly from Moodle.

Detailed instructions on how to install plugins via Moodle can be found here: Installing Plugins

Via Github

Download the latest version directly from Github – Download.


After downloading the plugin, install it in the Moodle mod/ivs directory.

For the detailed info regarding the installations, please read the instructions on the Moodle website: Link

You can easily purchase the license through our website

Proceed to the checkout and enter your data. The instance ID is needed to assign the license key. You can find it in the section:
Administration / Plugins / Interactive Video Suite / License.

Find out your instance ID

The Moodle plugin communicates with our license server and automatically unlocks the features of the IVS.

The invoice and contract details will be sent to the email address provided.

Find out the instance ID

If you request a free demo license or the freemium version, you will be asked to provide your instance identifier in the contact form.

This is needed for the assignment of the license key and can be found after the successful installation of the IVS plugin under: Website Administration > Plugins > Interactive Video Suite > License.

Instanzerkennung ermitteln

Integration of external video sources

You can easily integrate videos from external video sources into an IVS activity and thus use videos from YouTube and Vimeo, among others, for your learning scenario. Below is the process for embedding a video from an external source.

1. Create an activity and add the URL of the external video in the corresponding field.

2. Set and save the IVS Player settings as required.

3. Apply all known functions to external videos as well. 

Integration of Panopto-Videos

Users can easily embed video files of all formats and sizes from the Panopto video management platform into an IVS activity.

The entire process for embedding a Panopto video is shown below.

Playing Panopto videos in Safari

In order to play Panopto videos within Safari, privacy settings have to be adjusted. These adjustments are necessary, because otherwise Panopto cannot perform the required authentication to play the videos. 


  1. Open the preferences of Safari.

Go to the “Privacy” tab and uncheck “Prevent cross-site tracking” and “Block all cookies” here.


Open the settings on your iPhone/iPad.
Then search for Safari and open the associated settings.
Now disable the options “Prevent cross-site tracking” and “Block all cookies”.


Most frequent questions and answers

Whether for lesson analysis, sharing presentations or even lecture recordings – the IVS enables you to design teaching interactively. The focus is on user-generated content. 

Further examples for various application scenarios can be found here.

The IVS supports the following video sources:

  • Moodle
  • Panopto
  • OpenCast 
  • Kaltura
  • VIMP
In addition, external video sources are supported via URL, including: 
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo

Since recently, you can test the Interactive Video Suite in the form of a freemium free of charge and without obligation. So you have the possibility to test the plugin on your Moodle instance in full functionality with up to 3 course participants. Additionally you can choose the option for a free product introduction.

➡️ Here you can find more information about the test options. 

Compared to other providers, we focus on social interaction. We believe that collaborative viewing and shared understanding is the key to effective teaching. Therefore, all our features support social video learning in the best possible way.

Create comments or feedback as audio messages, easily share comments with other people, and create your very own content for your teaching scenario using a wide variety of tools. This allows you to transform instructional video into an interactive format, unleashing the full potential of digital teaching. Try Interactive Video Suite now for free and without obligation with the freemium version!

Only the following data is sent to the license server of Ghostthinker GmbH:

  • Number of active users
  • Moodle & Plug-In version
  • ID of the respective Moodle course (in case of a semester license)
  • IP address (of the moodle instance and the IVS licence server)
The data is processed on the basis of a balancing of interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f) DSGVO. Our interest is to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of the data processed via these web pages. The IP address is stored for a maximum of 6 months.

The IVS is based on the award-winning method innovation Social Video Learning. Social Video Learning combines the benefits of video with those of face-to-face exchanges to promote reflection and action skills. At the core of Social Video Learning are time-marked (audio) comments in videos that encourage learners’ interaction, attention and transfer thinking. Relevant or unclear aspects can be identified and discussed directly where they occur. This increases student motivation and supports the successful acquisition of knowledge and skills in the long term.

Via our IVS demo environment you have access to various explanatory videos.

Ghostthinker is an EdTech company based in Augsburg.

For 15 years we support universities, sports organizations and companies in the area of learning and collaboration with digital media. We develop didactic concepts, provide the appropriate technology and are experts in questions concerning video-based knowledge management.

On the Moodle instance, all active (not locked) user accounts that have been logged in at least once in the last 6 months are counted.

IVS Demo Enviroment

Get free access to a preset learning environment where you can directly experience all the features and the full potential of the IVS.

After submitting this form, you will be invited to the demo environment and can start right away.

IVS Demo-Umgebung

Erhalte kostenlosen Zugriff auf eine voreingestellte Lernumgebung, in der du direkt alle Funktionen und das volle Potential der IVS erleben kannst.

Nach dem Abschicken dieses Formulars wirst du in die Demo-Umgebung eingeladen und kannst direkt loslegen. 

IVS Freemium Version

We only need some information from you and then you can start. With the submission of the instance ID we will directly activate the freemium for your Moodle instance.

Your data will be transmitted to us and stored for the purpose of customer documentation. You can find more information on this in our privacy policy.

IVS Freemium Version

Wir benötigen nur noch einige Informationen von dir und dann kann es losgehen. Mit Übermittlung der Instanzerkennung werden wir direkt das Freemium für deine Moodle-Instanz freischalten.

Deine Daten werden an uns übermittelt und zum Zweck der Kundendokumentation gespeichert. Weitere Informationen dazu findest du in unseren Datenschutzrichtlinien.

Social Video in Moodle

In this compact online workshop you will get to know the full functionality of the Interactive Video Suite.


  • What is social video learning?
  • How do I create activities with IVS?
  • How do I use the features in the player? (e.g., creating and evaluating in-video questions)

Duration: 90 min. 

No. of participants: 4-12

For who is this workshop: future and current users of the Interactive Video Suite

Price: 95€ per person (excl. vat)

Social Video in Moodle

In diesem kompakten Online-Workshop lernen Sie die volle Funktionsvielfalt der Interactive Video Suite (IVS) kennen.


  • Was ist Social Video Learning?
  • Wie erstelle ich Aktivitäten mit der IVS?
  • Wie nutze ich die Funktionen in dem Player?
    (z.B. Erstellung und Auswertung von In-Video-Fragen)

Dauer: 90 Min. 

Teilnehmerzahl: 4-12

Zielgruppe: zukünftige und aktuelle Nutzer:innen der Interactive Video Suite

Preis: 95€ p.P. (exkl. Mwst.)