The Interactive Video Suite in university teaching
One tool – various application scenarios
Social video learning is an enhancement for teachers and learners in various educational contexts. In higher education, it is the optimal complement – and in some cases even a suitable alternative – to face-to-face formats. Let the following application scenarios inspire you!
Lecture recordings
Make video recordings of classroom, hybrid, or online lectures available to your students in your university’s learning environment.
Students can mark ambiguities, ask follow-up questions, and start discussions directly in the video with time markers. An interactive discussion of the lecture content is initiated and social exchange in the virtual space is promoted.
Teaching and training videos
Teaching and training materials in video format are a valuable supplement to lectures, exercises and written documents. No matter whether it is a demonstration of a laboratory experiment, equipment and safety instructions, or an excursion into a technically relevant special field: With a didactically prepared video you ensure the concentration and motivation of your students!
Presentations and role plays
A self-confident appearance and rhetorical skills are an important prerequisite in many professional fields. Students practice these skills at the university in presentations and role plays. With the help of video recordings, the learning and reflection process can be extended beyond the practical period – be it through self-reflection, group feedback or valuable advice and suggestions from instructors.
In addition, the Interactive Video Suite can, of course, also be used for asynchronous further discussion of the technical content of the presentation or role play.
Classroom analyses
Especially in the field of teacher education, social video learning via Interactive Video Suite is an ideal addition or alternative to classroom observation.
With simple means (e.g. smartphone + tripod), prospective teachers can record their performance in individual lessons. Afterwards, they not only receive important impulses for their future actions through self-observation, but also through feedback from their instructors and other teacher trainees.
Ready for Social Video Learning at your university?
Social Video Learning in practice
The technological-didactic method Social Video Learning is already widely used in practice. In the following article, you will gain insights into two different scenarios from vocational training and university teaching.
"Interactive and practical learning with Social Video"
Application of audio messages in the Interactive Video Suite
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+49 (821) 40821205